Reporting and Logging:
- Highster Mobile offers basic options of mobile tracking application such as call tracking.
- SMS and text message tracking.
- Allows access to all major messenger chats.
- It allows viewing all the media files and e-mails.
- There is address book access so that one can see the entire contact list.
- The application takes about several minutes to install and this is very convenient as usually there is not much time for the installation.
GPS Location Tracking Feature:
Highster Mobile allows GPS tracking as well so that you could see the location and movements of the cell phone on Google Maps and make sure it is where it is supposed to be.
Blocking capability:
Unfortunately, this application does not offer any parental control options and you won’t be able to block websites and applications nor will you be able to restrict their usage. However, it allows remote uninstall of the app.
In accordance to the reviews examined, the company offers real 24/7 support and they have got a live chat that functions well and you can ask them any question that would arise.
Price/Quality Correlation:
The price for the application is $69.99 and it is one-time fee. You will not have to pay monthly or annually or whatever else – and taking into consideration the features they offer, it can be easily considered a bargain from many points of view.
Positive Features
- It has one-time fee.
- It has a basic set of options for monitoring.
Negative Features:
- There are not so many features offered.
- No parental control.
- Not all phones are supported.
- 2fa should be disabled to get access to the data from the Apple target device.
Cell Phones Supported:
- iPhone
- Android
Consumer reviews can be found at trustpilot.com
It can be considered rather inexpensive solution with all the necessary set of monitoring features. It is undetectable and we have not discovered any serious faults in its operation.
Visit Highster Mobile: http://highstermobile.com

Highster Mobile literally changed my life after I found my suspicions were correct. I’m now living in a different country and having the time of my life. I am free!!!
hello, run the software on a nokia c1-03 handy ?
Highster Mobile is the one I chose from the range of the similar products because of the two reasons. First, it is a one-time fee. This is nice if you compare it with the offers of other companies – monthly, annually and so on; and it is fairly inexpensive if you take into consideration that you just have to pay once. Secondly, it can be installed on multiple devices; again, definite benefit as with others you have to pay for every installation separately. And I have 3 kids, so you know what I mean. So far I have stayed satisfied: it was easy to install and no problems with the tracking as well, so far everything as promised.
How do you know you can use it for more than one device?
HORRIBLE product!! Even MORE horrific customer service!!! COMPLETE WASTE OF $$$ STAY FAR FAR AWAY!!!!!!
If anyone wants to give it away because it doesn’t work for them I would love to take it off of your hands. I’m terrified to buy it and it not work for me either. If it does in fact work for me I’ll be happy to pay you for it.
I agree with you I the product was unable to use it they told me I will get refund, as of today I never got a dime and is two months now. And very rude Customers Service
My daughter seems to be texting 24/7 to all her friends. However, with the help of this soft I can get the messages sent to my e-mail and have a look, if I need to check her. And it does not show any traces of the program being installed; otherwise, I think there will be a real quarrel. However, I believe that she is in the age when a little more control is better than meager control.
Your doing the right thing Ed! Get all up in her business! You can prevent negativity and indeed save her life. Through experience, I learned to never give up my source. However I may stretch the truth& reveal the a bad influence (that I needed to be eliminated out of my teens life and future) as my source. For example, my teen texts friends A&B quite often. Friend A is a good kid but friend B is not. Friend B planned a party with underage drinking and drugs. Friend B suggests my teen lie to me about their future whereabouts with specific detailed instructions. When my teen attempted to follow these instructions I cut him off not allowing him to finish his felonious explanation. I then acted as if friend B called ahead, snitched and told me everything, painted an innocent picture of themselves. Needless to say friend B is now friend X.
Better than anything I tried. Have no idea what wrongs these people are talking about. good stuff, helpful to the utmost.
Much of the features don’t work like the spy call or the call recording. The online support is never online. I sent an email but never got a response. The rest works pretty good.
Excellent app.
dose the other person know that it on the phone
nope. it is undetectable.
Don’t buy doesn’t work
I don’t agree – it works fine with me. Perhaps, you installed it wrong way or your phone is incompatible, check with them.
They told whatsapp tracing is possible but it is not. And customer support is very bad.
Nothing worked except SMS and that too for only two months after which that too stopped working and they are falsely promising that you can track phone calls, whatsapp , chats etc
I agree!!!!!
I dont understand how it works i only see my own information can some body tell me how it works
you was supposed to put in the number of the target phone on the target phone set up with the license key….not your phone !!!
Does it require that an app be installed on the phone to be tracked?
worked for 4 days then stoped updating activity and costumer support is ignoring me and wont fix the problem i wish i never bought this false advertisment
How so?? Please elaborate..
Bought it like three months ago not able to install it. I emailed them and no response.
Very easy to use…very easy to understand. Especially from a half-witted, non-techie guy like me. I installed it on my on my phone and got all of the deleted texts I was looking for. The call recording feature, while nice and well functioned, worked well but it just was not of particular interest for me. But others may find it very useful. All-in-all a good program and well worth 70 bucks!…IMO…
Roger Emilson, please can you tell me how you found the deleted messages and how the voice recording is working? none of this is possible in my case……thanks
Do u have to install it on there phone?
I installed it on a Galaxy S4 and most features don’t work on it, sometimes it won’t let the phone take any phone calls and or it freezes it. Been email customer service, they respond a week or so later with a link to their common customer service responses that do not work on a case by case basis and that’s all you get from them. Bad customer service. Mediocre app to install if you ask me.
did you root the galaxy S4 before you got the app on the phone?
One question, how far back in time can one search for messages? One year, two years?
Not sure about highlaster, but mSpy demo version offers any time range starting from all messages and up to the ones sent/received today… better write to their customer support for more info
Highster Mobile is not customer service friendly and is only interested in taking your money. I bought the software to track my teenaged foster child. It didn’t work correctly so I asked for assistance. Now realize I’d only had the software on the phone for a few days. Their customer service sent me an update. I tried to install it but it still didn’t make the software act the way it was advertised to act. I figured it was a problem with the phone and did a factory reset. I then attempted to put the software back on the same phone with the exact same phone number. It informed me that the license had already been used and couldn’t be reloaded. It was the same phone. I asked for customer service’s help. They, rather bluntly, told me to purchase the software again. I told them it was the same phone with the same number. I got the same response. If their software license can’t figure out that it’s being used on the same phone with the same phone number, I’m thinking it was purposely programed that way to suck money from consumers. I feel disappointed and ripped off. In my opinion, Highster Mobile is really Shyster Mobile.
Agree with everything you said. Same happened to me!!!!!!!!!
Will not install on a Verizon LG G2. The only support they gave was telling me the same thing over and over. I finally got an email back telling me they are looking into the issue. Its been 2 months and no solution or update. Ive asked for a refund. We’ll see how that goes. VERY POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE.
I was only interested in four features- call recording, gps, sms/mms recording and call history. the call history is the only one that fully works. the texts somewhat work- sometimes they are partially cut off. call recording doesn’t work at all. and the gps constantly says one location and that’s it. when experiencing these issues I first looked at the troubleshooting guide and followed the suggestions. Features still didn’t work, so I emailed support. they told me to look at the troubleshooting guide even though the first line in my support ticket explained I had already done that. They next told me to uninstall and reinstall. which still didn’t fix the issue. naturally after all of this it was more than 10 days so I couldn’t get my money back!
I didn’t have a problem with the app… are you sure your cell phone is compatible?
Do you have to have access to the targeted phone for this to work? What info from the targeted phone do I need to use the app?
You just install it once and that is all. It should work on its own after it… but you should check if your phone is compatible with the soft in advance – or it can fail to work.
Does this work on iPhones??
Gina, I’m pretty sure that you need the targeted phone to download the app onto
What app is available if u can’t access phone?
Worked OK till last week then stopped. Tried reinstalling but when it said open or done it would only let me hit done so could not re enter licence key & number. Troubleshooter has no answer. Don’t know what next step should be.
Switch to MSPY. Thats what I did and and customer service answered all my questions before I even ordered and helped me install it correctly.
This can stop working because of antivirus software or update to target phone. You need to uninstall the program fully then reinstall. Make sure you use the back key to get the screen to enter your license info.
Features work now and then. No text messages for a month then they show up sporadically. GPS works for a week then not for a week. Same with browser history. Its always hit and miss. Mobi stealth was much better. Never could figure out remote features. Not user friendly.
is highster record surroudings,thanks.
I am interested in purchasing this product but I see after reading one the columns it doesn’t work with LG Revere 2. Has this problem been corrected or are you still having problems with this particular phone. This is the phone I want to install it on. Your help would truly be appreciated.
Thank you,
Highster is a fraudulent advertising company and website. After you buy the software (which NO WHERE tells you it can only be downloaded on a “jailbroken” phone) it requires you to buy additional software to then jailbreak the phone.
So the YouTube videos that show how quickly you can download it are also false. These videos have omitted the “jail break” steps.
Then when you do not wish to buy another program, and request a refund Highster replies with a policy that you knew nothing about until you have been shafted by making the purchase! No refunds allowed after a VERY short 10 day period AND/OR you don’t buy the second software and jailbreak your phone!!
Plus they didn’t even supply me with a license key for 10 days. What a scam!!
I am sure every American knows what jailbreak means.
You might if Highster had been forthcoming and told you right up front it was a required step!
I am not computer savvy so Highster just ripped me off for $70.00!! Here is the news I got AFTER I purchased their program. I have the receipt and NONE of this is told upfront.
I have to wonder—does the program even work then!
“Dear Customer,
Thank you very much for contacting us!
In accordance with our refund policy, we would like to inform you that currently you are not eligible for the refund which you requested. You may view our refund policy here: highstermobile.com/refund.html
Please be advised that in case the customer does not have unrestricted access to the target phone to install the software, they are not eligible for requested refund due to the fact that this information is stated and visible on every page of the product website.
We apologize for the inconvenience that you have faced.
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CCF-918-68751
Department: Refund Denied
Type: Issue
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal”
What people are writing above is correct. Here is some clarity I have received: Call recording and surround sound will no longer work on any phone. I received a note from customer service after several inquiries stating that this feature has been removed because only the government can use the software and…yeah…no you’re not going to receive a refund. The customer service BITES! Their website is not updated. You will receive the very same response from the very same person over and over again (“re-install the software”, “Read the Troubleshooting Guide”, “Are you SURE you’re on the TARGET” phone?) until you want to reach through the computer and throttle someone! Every single feature on this software is sporadic and it’s a hit or miss if you will receive all or accurate information. I do NOT recommend except for it does produce enough information where you can (sort of) deduce what’s going on!
1. It works only for sms, calls, photo, gps
2. After 4 days, GPS doesn’t work
3. Whatsapp, contact, email, and the rest do not work at all.
I hope highs ter mobile technicals able to rectify all of it and make it work well for people who had purchased it. It will only value for money that way…. That was the reason why we purchased.
Not everything is displayed, some texts, calls and GPS are missing for hours and hours. It did give me enough info, however, to know my friend was doing things behind my back and I had to dump him.
I always look for review sites such as this one, before I purchase anything. I find a lot of review sites are obviously set up by the company selling the product. You’ll see a couple of “dissatisfied customers”…but the rest are glowing tributes. No happy mediums. Tells me the site was set up by the company…or a shill for the company.
I wish to thank contributors to this page for their honesty…and for taking the time to post their thoughts. I was tempted to buy this program…until now. I have been convinced to stay as far away from this app as possible.
Again, thank you for saving me time, money, and my blood-pressure.
I agree with Linda (the previous post). The call log is the only thing that really works for me. SMS worked well initially but stopped after a few weeks. GPS gives a general location but is hardly ever correct on the specific location. Surround listening and recording has never worked. Camera works sporadically, sometimes the SMS command actually goes to the target phone, which creates other problems. I actually made two purchases of the Highster software. The first time I had all the he problems listed above and was told by Tech Support to uninstall and reinstall. I tried but was unable to uninstall the software. The target phone that was being monitored accidentally broke so the user purchased a new phone, which meant that I had to purchase another software package. I was more careful with the install the second time around but still got the same results as before. Still I got enough information to know what’s going on. I would not recommending spending this amount of money for the small amount of information you are receiving.
This product does not work properly, I purchased mine and all the features never worked, then after 10 days it stopped working completely. I purchased the upgraded customer service after 2 attempts at email responses ( re-install the software, connect to wi-fi, etc…none worked) I spoke to CS rep. she emailed me a new link that was suppose to work. It wouldn’t update and said the app was already installed and had the same signature. When I called back I spoke to a different lady, who was not very knowledgeable (i’m being nice). She said she put in a tech order, the software designers would work on an answer and call me back. She almost hung up before she even got my information, so I gave it to her and I am still waiting….don’t buy this product. They seem very unorganized when it comes to customer service, not taking money!
its a good software but it was said that we will also able to listen to the surroundings and call recording also but these two options are not working. and i also do not know how to use gps tracking. can any one help me with this
how to check whether target phone is compatible?
Just want to know if it will work in South Africa .
Its great thanks to the developer
The software is not too bad, however they need to be more forthcoming about what is required in order to use all the features, for example rooting. The customer care very poor and and seems geared only towards making more money either by directing you to a website that will show you how to root your phone (for a fee) or reminding you that you can get more hands on support (again for a fee).
It is because of the poor customer support that I would not recommend this product.
Bought the application for my phone which my daughter uses. She is in a bad compnay and I wanted to monitor her messages. The application only worked for 2 weeks. It delivered text messages then stopped. It then only showed the phone calls and not it has stopped working. The application never worked with email or any other items that are noted in their advertisements. Use caution when purchasing the product. Possibly a scam to get more money from upgrades.
Many features dosnt work for me, like any media such as skype, Viber, whatsapp etc etc.
I can see browser, gps, calls and photos. Its my first spy app and I would rate this app 5 of 5 IF I could have access to ALL the chat and call forums like skype and viber etc.
Im still happy for the money I spent but I totally agree with all other people in here…customer service have NO idea what they say and it seem like they dont care or have time to care maybe.
In competition days Highster Mobile might not get returning customers if they dont change attitude in service.
mike i want to know if the app record the calls???
Worked perfectly initially and was quite happy with the app….but then it stopped working or working sporadically….customer service s reply was to uninstall/reinstall…..all well and good but getting access to the target phone is sometimes difficult. ….the reason for installing initially…..if they can fix their tech problems this is a good app when it works…..but when it doesnt grrrrr.
How can check its successfully installed in someone else’s phone?
This program is good and bad. For the price compared to others it is very reasonable however it stops working alot. It will show you the location and pictures but nothing else. The text messages do not always come through and sometimes they won’t come through for weeks then decide to start populating again. I’ve reregistered the program on the phone it is installed multiple times but this still does not help. The logs of social apps, email, and calendar do not work neither does the feature of the listening to calls. Just kind of disappointed but I guess you get what you pay for.
I installed the software just yesterday. As many said, it only shows gps tracking, SMS, call logs and pictures and contacts. Everything else doesnt work. Also what I am observing is that the call logs are repeated hundreds and hundreds of times, basically making it useless to track. I dont know what kind of side effects it has with all these call records being repeated. I am also afraid my account will run out of space in the cloud so any tracking will stop working.
Deleting records also doesnt seem to work to free up space in the cloud.
It also wasnt able to retrieve deleted SMS from the day before it was installed, only the SMS currently in the phone already and new incoming ones were displayed.
This is not a scam because you purchase a software that does track a target cell phone, but you pay way too much money for what it tracks, and it falsely advertises features which dont work.
Erica, what is the block out app as this may be my problem, thanks
February 2016 posting, I have had Highster for 9 days now and it does work good. Once you get the target phone in hand use Mozilla Firefox to download the APK app, IE and Chrome block the install, once I figured that out it was a quick download and installed easily. I went online and everything was showing on the websight. Now two days later it stopped updating and I emailed Tech Support. It did take two days for a response but they did respond to help me, infact I emailed with two different reps (supposedly cause you don’t know who your talking to online) for two days. In the end I found on the Galaxy S5 you have to go into the downloads and check a box to approve the app to work. Also delete Look Out App off the phone and any other security apps that could block Highster from working. Once I did that the app started working again perfectly. I have used SpyBubble in the past until they changed and show the target phone user that a spy app is on the phone, so now I am trying Highster and so far it works great.
If you have issues email them and wait for a response but you may need to get the target phone back and make changes to it. Good luck.
I have a Canadian Samsung Galaxy Note 4 n I want to track a USA Samsung galaxy note 5. Is this possible?
Does it work on Samsung Galaxy 3?
If their website does not lie – “All Android devices including those made by Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola, Huawei, Pantech are supported in ALL countries.”….
Android: if the phone isn’t rooted; dont expect much. You can get call logs, text time date logs (not read messages), type data user from your carrier web page. All I’ve gotten from this software is to read text messages. But given the fairly low one time fee, thats pretty good. I imagine if the phone is rooted the rest would do pretty good. Message received are current, not deleted. There are other ways i havent tried to get deleted text and i know other ways to get deleted pics; you have to have access to the phone for an extended period without interruption. Google and you’ll find ways. Also if you can get the Android users gmail password (try a hidden keylogger on a shared computer-google it) then you can access a lot straight through gmail. This includes location data under gmail maps if their location tracking is enabled. Also contacts, installed apps, ect.
The updates are slow. And the main features that got me to it was it advertises the features of LISTENING TO CALL RECORDINGS AND RECORDED SURROUNDINGS. I have not been able to do that. Please tell me how.
did you have the phone roote/jailbroken though?
It’s the same I can get through Verizon messages and Google maps at moment unfortunately….. The entire reason it was purchased was for the recorded phone calls and stealth camera which I either don’t know how to use or its just an add on for those looking for the same things I was.
Ive emailed support numerous of times with all directing me to an installation video and link as tho they didn’t even acknowledge I’m beyond that point and inquiring about the use of the supposed services I paid for.
If someone can help that’d be great. Installation is on a LG g2 Android phone and I view the control center page via my Android.
Thanks in advance!
I just wished it logged keystrokes
Is the target device required in hand for monitoring? And does the phone need to be jail broken? Thanks.
In hand – only when installing. Jailbroken – usually it applies to iPhones.
FYI You have to jailbreak every phone in order to access social media and emails. I learned that the hard way. None the less the videos and pictures already in the phone don’t show up either. I was monitoring an Android.
does it work on lumia 640, Windows Phone 8?
If you haven’t jail broken your phone do not purchase its been a week and nothing has been tracked and the support just keeps telling me to wait……
The wole reason i wanted this app is to monitor Facebook / messanger and to use the GPS tracker i can’t figure out how ro get it to work. Any suggestions would be appreciated thanks
FYI You have to jailbreak every phone in order to access social media and emails. I learned that the hard way. None the less the videos and pictures already in the phone don’t show up either.
Does the phone news to be rooted
How far back can you get deleted messages? Target phone is a blackberry
What is jailbroken
anyone here have the phone jailbroken/rooted AND STILL dont have the main feautures work? like surrounding, facebook, etc?
Is this app hidden on target phone? Does it log 2nd party apps messages like Facebook messenger? Can I change how frequently the GPS tracks to save on the target phones battery life? Also does this app have actual phone conversation recording?
Most apps log second party app, but you’d better check with highstermobile for sure.
I have installed the downloaded link received after payment proceeded, but I haven’t all features as described in your website
e.g: there are not calls recording, even surrounding monitoring.
please i need help on this
When I clicked to buy it, I had to click 3-4 times until it finally went through. Little did I know, it was charging my credit card each time (the note came up, “oops, something did not go through, please try again”). Plus, the default circles were all clicked, which I did not notice, giving me a bunch of stuff I did not want or want to pay for. I asked for a refund on those items and the lady, who was very nice, said it would appear in a few days. Well, it never appeared (surprise surprise). Then I had paid for info on how to jail break, but it was never sent to me. I called twice to get the info sent, but they kept sending me the link on the three options for buying it. I explained that I had already paid for it, but they kept sending me the link to buy it! I don’t in any way recommend this company.
I didnt but this and thinking to get it…plzs tell me if anyone bought THE TRUTHSPY SOFTWARE…iam confused in these two…
Hh ! This app it’s compatible with Allview P8 Energy ?
I purchased it, tried it… It works for me, there’s enough information provided with the app to discover what ever it is your looking for. I found out that there was nothing to be suspicious of…. Thank God. But I will say the only thing I’m provided with is, phone calls and text messages…. That was good enough for me.
How long did it take to download everything?
Glad it worked for you. Was the target phone rooted though?
I bought it back in May 2016. It worked for 2 months then it stopped working. I just logged on today to see if it was working again and now it wants me to start paying monthly if I want to see what’s going on. My account is suspended until I sign up for the monthly payment plan. I was under the impression I had it for one year.
I tried using this but majority of the time it didn’t work! GPS was the only part that worked all the time. It would log some of the text messages but not all. All of the phone call were old, nothing recent. Everything else didn’t work. Not that big of a deal for the one time payment. Now they want to get paid monthly, what a joke.
The people who have bought this product before your price change shouldn’t have to switch a monthly plan!
Those were not the terms that I agreed to and paid for!
Does not work as advertised! Support does not help, sends a stock reply to check the internet connection. The internet connection is fine. It is your app that sucks! There is a good reason why you charge a one time fee because the app doesn’t work and people get frustrated and only use it for a few days! Very expensive for the few features you actually get!
Listen to those who try to warn you about wasting your money. I bought this app mostly for GPS purposes to keep up with our son. It has never worked. The only thing that did work was the texts can be read and call list so you know what number and when the calls were made. Customer service is useless. They don’t deliver what they promise. I am in a metro area with great reception and CS told me the GPS must not be working due to poor connection! Don’t waste your money!
This app is useless. Every single time I log into the website – my family member gets an alert on the phone being monitored saying their Apple ID has been breached and their password must be reset. Therefore after only a few attempts I had to give up.
Do you have to physically install on another phone?
Save your money .terrible service
This app is working great for me. I don’t get all the negative comments. I installed this on a friends phone who is mentally ill and takes off driving all over the country sometimes. It is a God send. Enables us to know where she is. She is too paranoid to tell anyone anything when she has these episodes. She hasn’t found it on her phone. Maybe there is software that would find it but she’s not sophisticated enough for that. However the App won’t work if the wifi is not enabled on the phone. Or if it is off or dead etc. I can see texts and phone calls and contacts. Haven’t tried anything else. When I first installed it the app wasn’t working. Customer support tried to help via email. I asked for a refund because it didn’t work the first 2 days because I thought it wasn’t working but it was because she had the wifi turned off. After 2 days all of a sudden it started working and has worked ever since for 6mo now. Usually updates GPS every 15 min but sometimes takes longer even up to an hour. If the wifi is off you can get info via SMS but then the person will see it. It’s great to not have a monthly fee too. Good luck. 7/18/18
What u mean the person will see it on sms?
Highster is a waste of money. It took me weeks to get it setup properly and then it still didn’t download load any of the data.
This software is bullshit. They keep charging you money even if it’s a 1 time fee.