Category Archives: Relationships

From Sarahah to – Parents, Beware

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Sarahah is an anonymous messaging app that that has become extremely popular in the few years after its release. Teenagers were quick to jump at the opportunity to give anonymous opinions about others as soon as the service was made available on mobile. However, Sarahah’s widespread popularity in no way means that the app didn’t harm young social media users. Upon registering on Sarahah, each user has the opportunity to share the link to the profile online. Others can then post their honest opinions on the user’s profile completely anonymously.

The problem with Sarahah

While this appears to be an innocent app and first sight, it has two significant issues: honesty, which is what the word ‘Sarahah’ means in Arabic, and anonymity. Users are invited to post honest opinions about their friends, people they know and even complete strangers. However, wherever there’s anonymity involved, there is also trouble. Being anonymous allows users to send all sorts of messages without the receiver being able to discover who sent the message. It took very little time for honest opinions to turn to insults and even threats. While a few users reported not having any negative experiences with Sarahah, the vast majority either thinking about or even attempting suicide.

Anonymity kills

The concept of Sarahah is definitely not new. Although this service was originally created to allow Saudi Arabian employees to share their honest opinions about their bosses, anonymity is what makes Sarahah just like other anonymous messaging services of the past. Messaging services such as Formspring and were responsible for numerous teenage deaths and heartbroken relatives, so why hasn’t society learned its lesson yet? Online harassment will continue being a serious issue while there are apps and services that provide bullies with the opportunity to send threats without the fear of being caught.

The Fall of Sarahah

Bullying has always been present at schools, but technology and the option to remain totally anonymous made it so much worse. Cyberbullying completely diminishes youths’ confidence and makes the victims feel worthless and unwanted. Thankfully, though, victims of cyberbullying aren’t forced to suffer in silence. Sarahah has received a lot of media attention this year due to the severe negative impacts it has had on both teens and their families. Supporters’ petitions have caused this extremely controversial app to be removed both from Google Play and the App Store. Unfortunately, the deletion of the app did not end the issues caused by anonymous messaging services.

The horror continues with

We haven’t yet had time to recover from the damage done by Sarahah and it seems that there is another app just like it that is rapidly gaining popularity. allows users to receive anonymous feedback from their friends. However, we all know that it’s not just ‘feedback’ that is being sent through the app. Users are able to send whatever they want thanks to the anonymity feature. Although claims that this ‘feedback’ you receive will allow you to “become a better you”, that is definitely not what the app is being used for. While the app is currently less popular than Sarahah used to be, it is unclear what will happen in the near future. With anonymity involved, it’s only a matter of time before begins destroying lives.

Parents, protect your children

Parents, does the existence of such apps frighten you? It definitely should, especially now that you know what horrendous consequences using an anonymous messaging app can result in. The problem is that technology is everywhere. We can try minimize bullying at schools by getting teachers involved, but bullies will always be able to find loopholes, especially with the existence of services that allow them to remain anonymous.

So, what should you do? Isolating your child from all evil in the world is not an option, unless of course you want to lock up your young one in a room with no internet access. Instead of trying to prevent your child from socializing or using the internet, it is much better to educate them about the risks.

Teach your child how to recognize bullying in its early stages and to speak up. Your kid should know that you’re their friend, online and off and that they shouldn’t be afraid to talk to you if something comes up. For those extremely paranoiac, there is the option of monitoring your kid’s activity online. Some may consider it invasive and immoral, while others believe that the benefits greatly outweigh the disadvantages. Should you decide that using digital spyware is the best option for you, there are some powerful tools available to you.

Keep in mind that it is always best to be as honest as you can with your child. Let them know that you’re doing it to protect them and also be open to hearing out your child as well. The best option is to come to a mutual agreement so that there are no secrets that either you or your child will have to hide.

Employee Monitoring

Image Credit: Photo by Venveo on Unsplash

Employee monitoring services provides the business owner or manager with the capability of recording employee interactions with clients as well as ensure their effective use of time. When used exclusively for the purposes related to business, there is practically no ethical qualms about it.

Employee monitoring is a reasonably efficient way of finding out whether a specific marketing strategy is working, or the interactions are appropriately conducted. There are other products that can also be used in conjunction with it, such as outbound call and live chat tracking products. However, employee monitoring software opens up endless possibilities for abuse of the information that becomes available to the person in charge of monitoring. It provides access to an employee’s phone logs, social media activity, e-mails and chats. While there is not supposed to be any personal activity during worktime, there often is, and the vulnerability of the digital trail that it leaves is further erasing the border between personal and public spaces.

The full list of features that employee monitoring software may include:

  • e-mail
  • computer screen snapshots
  • phone use
  • internet use
  • app use
  • keystroke logging
  • audio and video surveillance

By rating employees’ efficiency, the business owner can easily evaluate the need for a raise in salary, or, conversely, negotiate the need to improve the performance, alter the team makeup and so on. There both pros and cons to the process.


  • Less wasted time
  • An average of 90-270 minutes is wasted per 8-hour workday
  • Fewer errors
  • Catch the mistakes at early stages before they lead to destructive consequences
  • Better employee insights
  • Reward the most productive employees with a promotion, warn the least productive ones
  • Increased security
  • See whether an employee is endangering your business, or whether they are in danger
  • More transparency
  • Remote work can now also be monitored
  • More efficient delegation
  • Every employee’s strengths can be used in the right place
  • Less administrative work
  • Much of the administrative duties can be automated
  • Flexible reporting
  • Easily generated reports with different parameters


  • Negative effect on morale
  • The mistrust and suspicion generated by the monitoring are not conducive to employee efficiency
  • Increased stress
  • Stress levels rise when employees realize that their activities are being continuously monitored
  • Subjective lack of privacy
  • The world is already growing less and less private by the day, and being monitored at the place of employment takes out a great deal of privacy out of life
  • Higher employee turnover
  • Many people prefer to work at a place where they are not constantly under scrutiny, so they may want to change their workplace
  • Legal and ethical issues
  • There are constant discussions, both legal and ethical, on the issue of an employee’s personal boundaries at a workplace.

The range of apps on the market is rather extensive, and includes such highly rated apps as Time Doctor, ActivTrak, DeskTIme, Virtual Logger and Clever Control. Regular spyware apps, without the slant towards employee monitoring, but the ones that can be installed on the phone of, basically, any person whose phone you have access to, like MSpy or FlexiSpy, can also be used, particularly on company-owned phones. In combination with the specifically employee-monitoring apps, these give even the most suspicious employer the control they want over the employees during their time at work.

Dangers of Teen Texting – Recognize, but don’t Panic

Photo by Paul Proshin on Unsplash

Being a teenager, or a teenager’s parent was not particularly easy 50 years ago, but the digital era has brought a whole new slew of threats. These are entirely new in nature and less familiar to the parents than to the teens, who were practically born into the internet, into a world with an extra virtual dimension. As many opportunities as the internet provides, the dangers are also present, as we’re all too well aware.

Texting has become an ingrained part of daily routine for tweens and teens, which they engage in for hours on end. Seemingly harmless, there are actually things to be aware of in teen texting.

One of them poses less of an actual danger, and more of a psychological one. It entails stunting of real-life communication skills, since communication via a smartphone or a computer creates a seeming safety barrier between the two parties. However, as personal communication shifts heavily online, teenagers may gradually lose the desire and the ability to go beyond the internet. Texting, IMing and snapchatting at the same time is pretty much a regular occurrence, and there are inherent hazards in this fact besides the deterioration of vision.

Among the signs of real danger that parents need to be aware of in this realm are special acronym codes that should act as triggers of potential danger. While acronyms have been used on social media since its inception, and while there are many ones that offer no more than convenient shorthand, some are signs of questionable behavior.

It is much more widespread than you may think. As many as 25% of teens have done it (sent images, messages or videos with dubious content), and while it poses a problem in and of itself, it also brings on further risks. These include subsequent bullying, blackmail, coercion, and all such stuff itself is, in fact, a criminally punishable offense in states like New York, Georgia and Arizona. While much of what goes on online may seem like a game, questionable messages may remain accessible for a long time and the images may circulate far beyond the audience that the sender intended them for.

What’s behind these acronyms?

Here are some of the acronyms that should arouse suspicions in parents. This is not an exhaustive list, but covers the basics – well, what are they, it’s pretty clear.

  • DOC – drug of choice
  • CID – acid (LSD)
  • 420 – marijuana
  • Broken – alcohol hangover
  • NIFOC – naked in front of computer
  • SUGARPIC – suggestive photo
  • IWSN – I want it now
  • PRON – po*n
  • IPS – I’m posting naked
  • LH6 – let’s have it
  • WTTP – want to trade pictures?
  • GYPO – get your pants off
  • 8 – oral
  • TDTM – talk dirty to me

There’s another group of acronyms that comprises the ones that warn the other party of the parents’ presence, and while these do not necessary attempt to conceal any illegal or dubious, they still may. Just remember how you tried to avoid discussing sensitive issues in front of your parents when you yourself were a teenager, and do no worry excessively if these acronyms are all you notice.

  • POS – parents over shoulder
  • KPC – keeping parents clueless
  • 9 – parent watching
  • 99 – parent gone
  • PIR – parent in room

Yet another serious problem that plagues the teenage population is suicide, which is the 2nd leading cause of death in young adults in the United States. Acronyms such as KMS (kill myself) or KYS (kill yourself) may be more than a silly joke, so take notice.

Teaching teens and tweens about the basics of digital safety and security is essential, and the only way to keep your children safe is keeping communication channels open, tolerance and willingness to listen. There’s no need to panic or limit your teen’s access to devices, but attention and awareness are definitely required. Think thoroughly before you take any action or even confront your child about their potentially questionable activities, because the trusting relationship between you and your teenager is easily breached and much more difficult to mend.

Social Media and Teenagers – Benefits and Dangers

Image Credit:

Social media is among the most volatile topics in contemporary social psychology, especially when its effect on teenagers is under scrutiny. Let’s dive into this controversial topic once again.

Social interactions are shifting online rapidly, and a huge share of teenagers’ interactions is already taking place on their favorite social media platform. The most popular are Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram, with 71% of teenagers reporting the use of more than one social media platform, as reported by US Department of Health and Human Services.

The choice of platform is also gender-differentiated, with males often preferring Facebook, and females attracted by the more visually-oriented sites like Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest.

With teens spending as much as 8 to 9 hours a day online (most of this time is attributed to social media interactions), it’s essential to understand both the positive factors and the dangers that they may encounter.

Positive effects

Some of the major benefits of social media include:

  • Learning opportunities – there’s a wealth of information to hone practical skills or undertake serious academic research;
  • Communication with peers regardless of the physical distance makes the world a more open and friendly space, builds self-confidence and expands horizons;
  • Becoming engaged in socially significant causes;
  • Self-expression for creative teens who can demonstrate their works to a wide audience and receive feedback.

Dangers of social media

However, the dangers are also numerous and sometimes difficult to recognize. Some of them are psychological, such as an unhealthy dependence on social media ‘likes’, and a proven risk of depression. Others are very real, and may spill over into the offline life of your teen, driving them to desperation. Just think about it – 8 hours is a full-time workday, and your teenager spends it browsing a whole different world. What are the most frequent threats encountered there?


May occur via social media, SMS or instant message services, e-mail. Includes sending or sharing negative, private, false or otherwise harmful content about a person.

Oversharing personal information

It’s easy for a teenager (or even an adult) to overshare information that can later be used against him or her online or offline, causing stress, humiliation and possibly putting them in danger.

Online aggression

May not be as persistent and personal as cyberbullying, but it can still put a huge amount of stress on the teenager.

Inappropriate content

Pornography, violence, extremist and hate groups, illegal activities, excessive amounts of online advertising – all of this requires open discussions with your child. It won’t make inappropriate content disappear, but it will, hopefully, elicit an appropriate reaction when your teen has a close encounter with any of it.

Exposure to predators

Just as in the offline life, it’s crucial to know what the warning signs may be, cut off all communication if suspicions arise, and talk to a parent or a trusted adult.

What’s a parent to do?

In general, it’s crucial to shift the communications between parents and children from a teen’s concern with getting caught doing something questionable online towards teaching self-regulation and an overall conscious approach to online behavior. He earlier you start – the better. Even though 30% of teens believe their parents know “little or nothing” about their social media activities, they still state that their parents’ influence on distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate content online is essential, NY Times reports. There are also many tricks and special cloaking apps that allow teenagers to conceal their activities, so parents need to at least have a general awareness of this fact.

Ultimately, parent guidance is crucial, but when all else fails, there’s a possibility of resorting to telephone monitoring apps, which will provide some peace of mind to the parent. mSpy, Highster Mobile, and FlexiSpy provide a range of powerful features that track your child’s online and social media activity. Still, these are best used carefully, so as not to breach the trust with teenagers when they may need it most.

To BYOD or not to BYOD – that Is the Question

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Bring Your Own Device to work is the trend of the recent years that’s been spreading all over the world. What exactly is it? The answer is very simple – it’s one of the consequences of consumerization of IT, when companies allow and encourage their employees to bring their own electronic devices to their workplaces and use them for work purposes.

With the introduction and spread of BYOD, a major overhaul of the very concept of corporate IT infrastructure was launched. It’s only logical that as the devices generally grow more powerful and versatile, there’s no reason not to acknowledge and take advantage of this fact. Using one device for all purposes, both personal and professional, should allow for more seamless integration, on one hand, but is doesn’t come without very specific detrimental effects.

Advantages and drawbacks

Let’s take a closer look at the challenges and benefits BYOD affords the company that begins to realize this strategy. BYOD is generally treated by technology experts as providing more advantages than problems – when properly implemented, of course.

What are the positive factors?

For the company, the instant benefits are in the reduced costs due to the absence of the need to purchase and maintain an extensive IT infrastructure, greater productivity due to the convenience of familiar devices, and generally greater employee satisfaction.

The spread of BYOD is somewhat limited by companies’ hesitations to implement it in their particular firm for security reasons. Such caution is explained by the perfectly understandable fear of information leaks. However, the latter is not necessarily a BYOD-related problem. Access to sensitive information of all kinds has always been an issue, and the onset of the computer era may have only exacerbated it somewhat. Pen and paper also served the purposes of industrial espionage perfectly well, as did CDs, flash drives, e-mail and other data transmission methods in the earlier years. In addition, people have been bringing their own devices to work for a long time, the only change that BYOD company policies may bring is the company’s acknowledgement of the situation.

Is BYOD more of a risk or an advantage? Well, NOT implementing some sort of BYOD policy will not make the issue go away, since such ignorance may pose a far greater exposure to various threats. For one, we all need to accept that BYOD is already here, and outline our company approach.

Regulatory policies for BYOD implementation

If you’ve decided that BYOD is a useful solution in case of your company, you should plan out its implementation thoroughly. There’s no reason to abandon corporate standards at once and give in to anarchy where everyone has access to everything. Just as with any technology, there are measures to be taken in order to regulate and contain the potential problems it may bring – at least to some extent. What are they?

  • Instructing employees of their new responsibilities and new risks;
  • Achieving an understanding in regard to specific requirements for the operating system, work-related applications and antivirus software that should be installed on all employee devices;
  • Determining policies regarding remote access and data security;
  • Outlining data access levels;
  • Establishing a procedure for securing data in case of employee termination, device loss or theft, etc.;
  • Regulating passcode protection and data encryption;
  • Considering mobile employee monitoring solutions.

BYOD and mobile monitoring

Let’s discuss the last option in more detail. There are numerous software solutions, such as mSpy, Highster Mobile and FlexiSpy, that allow employers to monitor their employees’ activities on their devices. According to the laws of most countries, adults have to be mandatorily informed when a mobile monitoring app is installed on their phones even if the phone is provided by the company. Once installed, there’s no need for any contact with the target phone, while practically anything a person does on the phone is readily available for review. The program features usually include call, e-mail, instant message and SMS monitoring, internet use and location tracking. It may be a bit extreme, but, in some cases, it’s preferable to compromising your company’s sensitive information. BYOD is a part of today’s reality already, and it is high time to figure out how to deal with it.

To Spy or not to Spy?

Like it or not, it is a surveillance society, at least from a technological standpoint. If you feel suspicious or distrustful toward someone you love, there are tons of opportunities to check if your suspicions are justified or not. We leave behind numerous traces like chat messages, which can be hacked and read by a third person, and this is usually the last thing we think about at the moment. However, this is a kind of activity that can cause trouble. So, prior to going for something like that, please, think twice if the game is really worth the candle.

             1. Spying can cause pain. If you are experiencing an urge to look through your partner’s messages or websites he or she has visited recently, it is not unlikely that you will find what you are looking for. That’s like ripping open an already bleeding wound. The urge itself is a sign that your relationship is in a rickety state.

             2. Once you find some grounds to believe that something is being kept back from you, there are still things you are not aware of. This whole thing triggers emotions, which you can hardly control at the moment. In a situation like this we tend to jump to conclusions and misinterpret the information. There is a good chance that you will get hurt yourself and hurt your partner, who was preparing a romantic surprise for you.

            3. If you feel like there is no choice for you but to spy, you will get hurt regardless of your findings. Finally seeing what you have been looking for is very painful. So is seeing nothing, because it fuels your suspicions and makes you want to continue and take even more radical steps like stalking your partner in his/her way to work or elsewhere.

             4. There is a common misconception that spying calms down. It does not! Vice versa, it makes things worse. Spying results from a feeling of doubt and insecurity, and the further you go, the more painful it gets. Instead, it is advisable to take a break and think about what has triggered doubts and maybe try self-improvement and make yourself more attractive for your significant other!

             5. Even if you do eventually find incriminating truth, what you have done (the spying) makes you as deceitful as your partner is. Spying is no less shameful than dishonesty.

            6. This one is pretty simple: when deciding whether or not to look through someone else’s messages, ask yourself – would you like to have your SMS, ICQ, Skype, Instagram, etc. messages read by someone? Probably, not!

             7. Spying is extremely addictive! Once you start, it carries you away and you can hardly stop. In case you eventually find something, you will want more. If you don’t, you will keep trying until you ‘succeed’. Either way, this will not end well for your relationship!

             8. If you realize that spying is the only solution, you have to admit that you do not trust your partner any more. Trust is a foundation for a healthy and lasting relationship. Logically, once the foundation collapses, so does the structure resting on it.

9. One day, he/she will find out that you have spied on him/her. This is going to be one of your worst experiences in life. After that, your relation will never be the same!

              10. Finally, wanting to look through someone else’s private information signifies lack of self-trust. This is pretty much a victim’s way of living a life, which makes you vulnerable to the hardships and rigors of life.

This is not to teach you a lesson on how to build and maintain a good relationship. This is to emphasize that we have entered an era when sophisticated technologies are readily available, and there are much better ways of using them than trespassing on your loved one’s private area. Like, for example, sending an incognito declaration of love with a funny and beautiful picture or invitation to a romantic place!

Ethical Dilemma for Parents – or not?

Mobile tracking has become a common thing not so long ago – a decade at best; however, it took a very prominent start and the industry is proliferating.

Surely, with all the options and possibilities all these applications bring, there is no surprise, they have become so popular. Competition causes the companies implement new and more exclusive features on a regular basis and customers get all the more tempting toys.

However, there is a silver lining here as well. There can be no easy talk about any kind of monitoring without actually raising the issue of morale and ethics, let alone legality of such actions. Despite the fact that most cell phone monitoring applications are sold legally on the U.S. market, it does not stop the debate around ethics of the entire business. This especially concerns justification of such means with regards to kids – as ¾ of such mobile tracking software is bought by concerned parents.

No surprise that the temptation is to much to bear for many – such technology has been unheard of until recently and now there is a chance for every parent not only to know each and every move of their children but learn who they hang out with and text about after 10p.m.

A great number of parents see such option of additional control as a sign of good parenting; however, is it?

The idea of cell phone monitoring has got both proponents and opponents – both have their own arguments on the account.

A fair share of psychologists

Say that under the idea of proper protection is the desire of total control; and the purpose of parents is not to control but to guide. Upbringing, after all, is not about not allowing kids making their own mistakes, but rather, teaching to take the right steps as well as how to deal with the consequences. Parenting is much more about care without over-involvement than about total care and control.

There is also another issue here and it concerns distrust. Any app that a parent installs on their kids phone without notice is a notice in itself; and it clearly says: “I don’t trust you at all”. The kid’s reaction is likely to be obvious – neither do I.

This is the reason why most of psychologies advocate for open communication instead – about all the issues of life, and smartphone usage including. Otherwise we get a pretty adversarial relationship, which can end up sadly.

Proponents do not agree

They say that we live in a world with too many dangers and that parents have every right to be aware of their kids’ activities both online and offline. Mobile spy apps do more than good – they can help in prevention of bullying and any other harmful actions towards kids; dangers that the latter are frequently unaware of. Thus, this is parents responsibility to keep them safe from such threats – by any means.

Surely, it is a very individual choice of every family. The question of ethics and morale should be looked upon from the angle of each individual situation. There is a great number of applications that allow parents not to be too intrusive and at the same time to keep an eye on their children. Such apps should not necessarily be used without notice; but rather, the usage policy can be discussed and a mutual compromise can be found – the one that would suit both, a kid and a parent.

Again, we get back to the importance of open communication in the family. Upon cell phone purchase a contract can be drawn – the one that will clearly state both parties liberties, responsibilities and boundaries – the contract the terms of which will be followed by both. Perhaps, in this respect the issue of a mobile tracker installed on the phone won’t raise distrust and hostility but rather understanding of the fact that parents just care.

Things that Parents of Teens Should not Forget

Photo by Kirk Morales on Unsplash

Teenagers are sometimes very ungrateful; however, there are some things that they will definitely appreciate. Here are some of them and these tips can help parents and teenagers to find common language.

Do not Forget to Celebrate Their Small Success

Small achievements can seem unimportant and parents neglect them. However, the things that seem small and unimportant to an adult can be pretty crucial for a grown up. Besides, one thing that interests a parent – an exam in literature, for instance, – is not that of an importance for a teen if compared with an achievement to learn how to play a guitar. In this respect it makes sense to always notice such small achievements in your kids, no matter how small or stupid they can seem to a parent.

Let Them Be Alone

Next very important thing is to leave teenagers some space for their own. They are not kids any longer; however, many parents find it hard to get used to this thought. In this respect make sure to grant them the amount of privacy they need and want and you’ll see how much better your relationship becomes. Everyone needs space; do not forget about it. This also refers to the urgent need to know where your kid spends time and who they hang out with. If these things bother you too much, just acquire some mobile tracking app – by doing so you won’t be interfering with the questions and your son or daughter will feel much better with the share of privacy.

Leave Them to Their Decisions

Again, it is quite clear that kids will always be kids for their parents. However, it does not meant that the level of protection and commitment should always be the same. As kids grow up physically, they also do so mentally and morally and are able to make their own decisions quite well. They will only be grateful for the freedom of choice as well as responsibility – this is the only way they can actually learn how to be in charge of their own lives.

Teach Them to Solve Problems

The skill of problem solving can seem natural when you are an adult, a parent. However, for a child, and a teenager this is a new and absolutely undiscovered filed. The longer you try to problems and keep your precious little baby in a greenhouse, the more helpless they will grow up eventually. And the more problems in life they will have to face. Real world is harsh sometimes but it is parents’ responsibility to teach their kids to cope with the harshness and difficulties. This is something that kids will be grateful for.

Make Home a Place to Come with Joy

One thing is to make your teenage kid grow responsible and independent, another is no be neglectful. Making home a nice place where they will always find support and love is no less important. Teenagers need to know that there is somewhere where they will be loved and where parents wait for them always no matter what.

These tips are simple but effective; they don’t require money or much effort. Yet, they do help to create better understanding between parents and teenagers.

Selfies and Teens’ Obsession with Them

selfieReally, selfies seem to have become a new trend in art, or at least it is definitely one of the most popular ways of self-expression for young people these days. It also frequently looks like people got brainwashed and some of them get so obsessed with the activity that they post their selfies every day in all the places at all times.

It might seem that people are prone to selfie liking because they are so fond of themselves; however, it is frequently just the opposite. Most people, and especially teenagers, are eager to get approval and they are very anxious to get accepted by some reference group and they simply take the easiest road to their goal. It is much simpler to post selfies and get likes and be accepted and approved instead of doing something that people can find worth respecting.

Other kids just can’t be worse than others in whatever they are involved in or concerned about. In their sensitive age it is really very important to be a part of a group that treats you like and equal and distinguishes you for whatever you have to offer and they consider interesting. Feedback is essential and validation is necessary at this stage of teenagers’ development and with the invention of this “selfie” idea these things are easier to get.

Surely, there seems to be nothing harmful about people posting images of themselves on the internet left and right if it boosts their self-esteem and makes them feel better about themselves. However, when it comes to various social networks, they are not that safe. The fact that they are not open to every visitor registered or unregistered alike does not guarantee that a personal page is secure.

Attention seeking can be fraught with unpleasant occurrences. There are all sorts of people surfing the internet and scammers and etc. and these people hardly mean good. Surely, teenagers do not seek attention of such people consciously and on purpose; however, their frivolity can backfire pretty badly sometimes.

There is also one more side to this “selfie” medal and it is also not a very pleasant one. In their constant pursue of attention and approval teenagers get so obsessed and crazy that they frequently can’t stop. In their attempt to get a great selfie they tend to do bizarre and even dangerous things; some of such cases have already ended fatally.

Taking these things into consideration, it makes sense for parents to pay more attention to the things their teenage kids post in their social networks and how they actually spend their time and who they hang out with both online and offline.

Surely, it is always complicated to come to terms with 13-15 year old teenagers and rows and scandals are normal; however, when it comes to mobile phones, there is a good way to make the entire relationship and control issues easier.

With the help of cell phone monitoring application it is very easy for a parent to get the idea of their kid’s whereabouts as well as plans, contacts and social life in general. When it comes to selfies, spy software allows tracking all the images that are created and sent online from this particular phone. Having this app installed on their teenagers’ devices allows parents to have full access to their cell phones and eliminates the necessity of fruitless control attempts. GPS tracker allow knowing where kids go and other various features allow keeping an eye on teenagers without being overly protective and controlling.

When it comes to selfies, the app also allows remote content blocking; which is a definite advantage and kids will just get puzzled why this image fails to download.

Employees and Discipline

Photo by Pascal Swier on Unsplash

It is not an easy task to run a business, no matter large or small. You will always have to face people who come hunting for the job as well as make up with all sorts of employees and their habits. However, it is irritating worker habits that employers are mostly concerned about.

Habits – What Are They?

There are all sort of irritating habits and the ones concerning hygiene are not infrequent. A colleague who whistles while working or likes to clean their fingernails or the one who smells as if they took a bath two week ago last time and so on – all these things are not unfamiliar. However, there are irritating habits that make employers more enraged and they are the ones that cause procrastination at working place, habits that are contra-productive and time-consuming. Here are some of them and an effective recommendation for employers on the account how to deal with them.

With the omnipresence of social networks there is no surprise that workers spend a great deal of their time chatting there. Excessive face-booking and tweeting as well as wasting precious working time in other social networks are definitely not the things that employers can approve. Surely, there are companies that restrict internet access; however, it cannot be the case of every working place. And here is the choice for the employer either to be tough or to take different measures.

Restrooms are also very much loved by employees as well as smoking pits. It can make any employer nervous especially if this happens too often and for too long. Surely, no employer can restrict their workers in the number of visits to the WC and reducing water consumption by no means can be considered as human and a way out. However, there are solutions that can bring more discipline to a working place.

Surely, there are also workers that allow themselves even more freedom at their working places. Very often they can sneak out of office and go shopping at lunchtime and get very late at pretense of being on an errand or a business meeting. There is basically no way to check sometimes and again, it costs employers money when work is not done. It is even more frustrating when such delays have direct negative effect on business (say, a conference or an important meeting is postponed) and an employer suspects that traffic jam is just the pretense.

What to Do (or not)?

Such irritating habits are very common and that is why many employers choose to opt for mobile tracking software for their workers, especially in the cases when the latter misuse their corporate phones to add to the aforementioned habits. Spy software for businesses is really a very effective solution for companies as it allows monitoring the activities of employees as well as their location.

Spy apps are very helpful in bringing more discipline to the office and they also serve as guarantee and protection from fraud at working place. It is hardly likely that workers will be pleased with the idea of being monitored but they definitely feel the effect of it and behave in accordance.