Category Archives: Parents

From Sarahah to – Parents, Beware

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Sarahah is an anonymous messaging app that that has become extremely popular in the few years after its release. Teenagers were quick to jump at the opportunity to give anonymous opinions about others as soon as the service was made available on mobile. However, Sarahah’s widespread popularity in no way means that the app didn’t harm young social media users. Upon registering on Sarahah, each user has the opportunity to share the link to the profile online. Others can then post their honest opinions on the user’s profile completely anonymously.

The problem with Sarahah

While this appears to be an innocent app and first sight, it has two significant issues: honesty, which is what the word ‘Sarahah’ means in Arabic, and anonymity. Users are invited to post honest opinions about their friends, people they know and even complete strangers. However, wherever there’s anonymity involved, there is also trouble. Being anonymous allows users to send all sorts of messages without the receiver being able to discover who sent the message. It took very little time for honest opinions to turn to insults and even threats. While a few users reported not having any negative experiences with Sarahah, the vast majority either thinking about or even attempting suicide.

Anonymity kills

The concept of Sarahah is definitely not new. Although this service was originally created to allow Saudi Arabian employees to share their honest opinions about their bosses, anonymity is what makes Sarahah just like other anonymous messaging services of the past. Messaging services such as Formspring and were responsible for numerous teenage deaths and heartbroken relatives, so why hasn’t society learned its lesson yet? Online harassment will continue being a serious issue while there are apps and services that provide bullies with the opportunity to send threats without the fear of being caught.

The Fall of Sarahah

Bullying has always been present at schools, but technology and the option to remain totally anonymous made it so much worse. Cyberbullying completely diminishes youths’ confidence and makes the victims feel worthless and unwanted. Thankfully, though, victims of cyberbullying aren’t forced to suffer in silence. Sarahah has received a lot of media attention this year due to the severe negative impacts it has had on both teens and their families. Supporters’ petitions have caused this extremely controversial app to be removed both from Google Play and the App Store. Unfortunately, the deletion of the app did not end the issues caused by anonymous messaging services.

The horror continues with

We haven’t yet had time to recover from the damage done by Sarahah and it seems that there is another app just like it that is rapidly gaining popularity. allows users to receive anonymous feedback from their friends. However, we all know that it’s not just ‘feedback’ that is being sent through the app. Users are able to send whatever they want thanks to the anonymity feature. Although claims that this ‘feedback’ you receive will allow you to “become a better you”, that is definitely not what the app is being used for. While the app is currently less popular than Sarahah used to be, it is unclear what will happen in the near future. With anonymity involved, it’s only a matter of time before begins destroying lives.

Parents, protect your children

Parents, does the existence of such apps frighten you? It definitely should, especially now that you know what horrendous consequences using an anonymous messaging app can result in. The problem is that technology is everywhere. We can try minimize bullying at schools by getting teachers involved, but bullies will always be able to find loopholes, especially with the existence of services that allow them to remain anonymous.

So, what should you do? Isolating your child from all evil in the world is not an option, unless of course you want to lock up your young one in a room with no internet access. Instead of trying to prevent your child from socializing or using the internet, it is much better to educate them about the risks.

Teach your child how to recognize bullying in its early stages and to speak up. Your kid should know that you’re their friend, online and off and that they shouldn’t be afraid to talk to you if something comes up. For those extremely paranoiac, there is the option of monitoring your kid’s activity online. Some may consider it invasive and immoral, while others believe that the benefits greatly outweigh the disadvantages. Should you decide that using digital spyware is the best option for you, there are some powerful tools available to you.

Keep in mind that it is always best to be as honest as you can with your child. Let them know that you’re doing it to protect them and also be open to hearing out your child as well. The best option is to come to a mutual agreement so that there are no secrets that either you or your child will have to hide.

Should You Monitor Your Child’s Online Activity?

Photo by John Schnobrich / Unsplash

Admit it: it’s tempting to attempt to discover what’s going on in someone else’s head; even more so when that someone is your very own child. App developers understand this temptation very well and that is why numerous digital spying and monitoring tools exist. And such software is rather popular among parents.

According to recent studies, 75 percent of parents have looked through their teenager’s or child’s device. It is worth mentioning that curiosity is not the only reason why parents are tempted to invade their kid’s privacy online. The majority of those who have admitted to snooping through their child’s electronics said that they did it because they were worried about their kid’s safety online.

From a parent’s perspective, this makes perfect sense: we all want the best for our children and to keep them out of harm’s way. We will even deprive them of their privacy to do so. In fact, 60 percent of parents interviewed by ParentWise said that they believe that kids don’t have a right to privacy when it comes to their electronics.

But is this the right thing to do?’, some readers may ask, kids and parents included. How ethical is it to infringe on your kid’s privacy? Even if it means keeping them safe?

Of course, parents have a good reason to be worried. Over 30% of teens admitted that they have been lured into something shady online. Parents have every right to want to prevent their kids from going too far and engaging in some kind of illegal activity online. But then again, not all teenagers do things they aren’t supposed to when on their devices. The majority of teens engage in activities they have no reason to hide from others.

Do it?

Even if you feel that your annoying teenager does not deserve the right to use their smartphone in privacy, try to place yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if your employer did the same thing with you? This isn’t such an unlikely possibility, after all. A number of employers do use software to spy on employees at their workplace.

If we were to use the same logic that parents use when opting to monitor their kids, employers have every right to spy on their staff at work. Company owners want the best for their company, in terms of profit and prosperity, and for that they need to make sure that all company procedures are being carried out as desired. As a result, managers may opt to monitor their employees’ work stations to be certain that each person is working to the best of their ability and not slacking away or sharing confidential information with their company’s  competitors.

So, how would you feel if you found out that you were one of these employees whose every move online is being watched? You’d feel mistrusted, undervalued, dominated.

Now, think of your teenager finding out that their parents don’t trust them enough to allow them to have some privacy when using their electronic device. They would be destroyed and chances are that you will lose their trust forever and that your relationship with your child will never be the same.

Having all this in mind, there are some parents who still think that remotely monitoring their teenager does much more good than harm. Perhaps, you’re convinced that by invading their privacy you’re preventing them from someday being the victim of a cybercrime. Or the case may be that in addition to being worried for your young one’s safety, curiosity has got the best of you and you’re confident that your teenager will never discover that they’re being watched on.

Whatever your reason for using spy software, several options exist for you. A detailed review of the best three digital spying tools can be found here. However, prior to making the decision to invade your child’s privacy or not, the consequences of each option should be carefully weighed.


Parents, and potentially kids as well, may agree that there are several advantages to monitoring a teenager’s activity online. The main benefit is the safety aspect. If you can see everything that is going on your kid’s phone, you will definitely notice when something begins to go astray. You will be able to prevent your child from being taken advantage of online if you have access to every message they send and every activity they engage in. You may even save your child’s life this way. According to statistics, 20% of teenagers bullied online consider suicide and a number of them go as far as attempting it.

Also, it’s probably a well-known fact by now that teens go everywhere with their phones, even to use the bathroom. As a result, should your child go missing, you will easily be able to locate them, by means of digital spying software.

In addition, since children have less experience than us grownups, they may unintentionally put themselves at risk online by sharing personal info. If you are aware that they’re sharing something they shouldn’t be, you can easily help protect your tween’s privacy by talking to them about the risks of doing so.

There is also an alternative for those who wish to protect their youngsters without being too invasive. Some family counselors suggest that instead of snooping on their teenagers, parents should educate their kids about the dangers and how to stay safe online. However, some may think that simply teaching kids about what’s wrong and what’s right is not enough. Our children go through a lot of things that they would never think of sharing with their caregivers. Therefore, a suggestion is to install ‘safety apps’ instead of monitoring software. Such apps pick up words that may cause problems for your child in the future. For example, if your child sends a message or conducts a google search including the word ‘suicide’, the safety app will notify you.

So, now that you are aware of all the possible alternatives, the choice is really up to you. You can let your kid roam wild online and learn to be responsible on their own or you can watch their every step. You can also opt for something in between. Whatever your decision may be, just make sure that you’re aware of all the potential consequences and whether or not the option you choose is the best for you and your teen. Experts also recommend for parents to be open with their children when it comes to online monitoring.

Troubling Effects of Technoference

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While the impact of the digital era and its many temptations on teens and children has been a major concern on many levels throughout the world, and with good reason, the effect of parents distracted by digital devices on the teens and children has yet to become a cause for as much concern. What is the actual problem? Haven’t parents been distracted for ages now – just imagine a 1950s dad behind a newspaper or a 1970s mom on the phone or watching a soap opera, not to be disturbed.

Granted, children and teens are easily drawn into the virtual world, and adults worry that they may get lost in this virtual space, abandoning the familiar reality. But make no mistake about it – adults are also very vulnerable to the influence of social media and other online attractions, and there are no limits set by an authority figure, like we set for our children. While there are, of course, undoubtable benefits to online presence for both adults and children, the interpersonal relationships suffer most when a digital overdose is the case.

Parenting in the digital age

In case of parenting, the effect is most devastating when there is an infant involved, one who doesn’t yet have his or her own device to escape into, who is expecting interpersonal feedback from their significant adults. It’s been conclusively proven that the absence of or insufficient psychological connections in infancy have a negative effect on cognitive and emotional development. It really is something that can hardly be replenished later on in life, it’s something that has to be provided when it’s required. Parents aren’t, of course, entirely unaware of the fact that they may often be overinvolved with their devices, but the feelings of guilt aren’t a very positive factor in the upbringing of children either. The situation hardly changes, and the quality of parent-child interactions, while difficult to measure in any way but subjectively, has gone down considerably in the two recent decades. Older children and teens also need undivided attention of their parents, not as much as the infants, but just as desperately.

Of course, scientists have to be careful not to be alarmist, and not necessarily attribute a causative effect to something that may be merely a correlation or an associated risk. But there are some basic statistics, such as the fact that, depending on the specific study data, an average adult in the United States check their smartphone between 80 and 200 times a day. The effect that technology has on our lives has gained the name of technoference, and there’s more of it in our lives every day. The fact that they are disruptive has also been established, but what can be done about it if you do find it alarming?

Potential solution

Family tech contracts are one solution to the problem if all of the family members agree that it technoference is a problem and are willing to make certain sacrifices in order to manage it. Such a contract would delineate how much screen time everyone in the family gets, and it’s best supplemented by some sort of an agreement by all family members to spend more quality time together in the good old-fashioned way, with no devices required to enjoy the experience. Board games, a stroll, dinner and a conversation are very basic things that everyone can enjoy – or learn to enjoy if it’s something that hasn’t been a part of a family’s routine prior. Devices or not, communication is still the most important part of interpersonal relationships, and it always will be – before singularity dawns, and we become a part of a huge beehive-like conscience, if that ever happens, as the futurologists are predicting.

Parental Surveillance: to Survey or not to Survey

Image Credit: NeONBRAND /

Contemporary parents’ options for keeping track of their children’s activities and whereabouts are numerous. Most people think of cell phone tracking as the most convenient tool for monitoring their teenagers’ lives, and it may indeed be convenient, but there are other sides to using this and other types of surveillance, i.e. ethical and psychological. How can a balance be attained between keeping children safe and relatively independent and parents – relatively calm?

Technological accomplishments are now available to the masses, and cell phone surveillance is among the accessible options. It used to be that only private investigators and corporate security departments (aside from police, of course) could intrude on people’s privacy and go unnoticed, now anyone can do it with the least amount of effort. If we consider the short-term efficiency, cell phone spying seems like a perfect method for worried parents to make sure that their teenagers are not out of line, but as far as the long-term behavioral effects and psychological consequences go, it is a dubious issue.

A false sense of security?

We live in the times when realizing that your child has left home without his or her cell phone sets off a panic attack in both parents and children. However, the sense of security accorded by the cell phones is a double-edged sword. Indeed, a great number of the threats children encounter today are linked closely to mobile devices and the Internet. Cell phone monitoring creates a feeling that parents can avert all these dangers in the making, but the situation is far from being that simple. Some of the surveillance we now consider a desperate necessity only emerged a decade or two ago, and the need for it is often exaggerated by the increasingly apprehensive atmosphere in the world in general, and, in particular, the marketing strategies that play on the parents’ weak spots, one of which, undoubtedly, is a child’s safety. However, continuous communication with your child or teenager is the key to a better relationship, where sharing is a norm, and no surveillance is required.

Technological options

However, if you do choose to track your child’s cell phone, there is a vast range of software on the market which allows to read messages, turn on the camera and microphone remotely, keep track of social media activity, track current location via GPS, even listen in on conversations. These include mSpy, Highster Mobile, FlexiSpy, and many others, from free to rather pricey versions.

Psychological and behavioral effects

Image Credit: Annie Spratt / Unsplash

In any case, the effect that such surveillance has on both parents and children is debatable, to say the least. It most certainly affects the quality of the bond in a negative manner, since the parental lack of trust can not go unnoticed, even if the actual spying is. It will eat away at the parents and make them desire more and more control over the child’s surroundings, even though teaching children how to be safe and independent may be a wiser thing to do. Meanwhile the children, who are well aware that a possibility of cell phone surveillance exists, may become more secretive and less likely to share with parents of their own will. Moreover, keeping your child on a short virtual leash is not particularly conducive to the separation they need to be making from their parents during the teenage years. How will they learn to live independently and make responsible choices if they are not allowed any freedom, which includes the freedom to have their privacy and the freedom to make mistakes? Will they learn that the key issue is whether your behavior is discovered, rather than the behavior itself? It is a very fine line that the parents, as (hopefully) the wiser ones in the parent-teenager relationship have to be very conscious about.

The teen years are the most challenging for both parents and teenagers. We hope that you’ll be able to come up with your unique combination of mechanisms to ensure your child’s safety, including deliberate and well-considered surveillance choices, while preserving a trusting relationship.

Catch Them if You Can: Detecting a Lie

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Learning to lie is a normal part of growing up. Young kids tell very clumsy lies, but teenagers can become quite adept at it. Learning to see when your children are lying to you is the key to keeping them safe both online and offline: after all, you may not even know they are at risk! Here we offer a few tips.

Listen to the talk

If you suspect that your children are spending time on dangerous websites, you may want to confront them about it. Unfortunately, studies show that parents are unwilling to believe their kids are lying to them – it is our natural bias to think that our kids are better and more truthful than those of other people. However, there are clues that allow to spot a lie . Watch out for these signs:

  • Unnecessarily detailed explanations – the kid will try to make the story more believable by adding details;
  • High pitch – people tend to talk in a higher voice when they are anxious or insecure, since their vocal chords stiffen;
  • Trying to change the topic;
  • Stuttering;
  • Inability to repeat the story – ask your kid to tell it again, and see if the details match;
  • A show of anger or “insulted innocence” if accused of lying (this is very often found in adults, too);
  • Repeating your questions (trying to gain time to invent a lie).

Watch the face

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Lying makes the person tense and even fearful, eliciting many involuntary physical responses . However, keep in mind that these signs may signify general anxiety or discomfort, not necessarily lying (you can read more here):

  • Nodding when saying “no” or shaking the head when saying “yes”;
  • Blushing because of the inflow of blood to the face caused by the fight-or-flight response of the body (the fear of getting caught);
  • Touching nose, ears, and lips (the feeling of stress and danger causes the blood to rush to the face, making one feel an itch);
  • Avoiding eye contact – keep in mind that simply looking down may also signify sadness, while looking aside may mean trying to avoid or ignore the problem;
  • Microfacial expressions – these are involunary and last for a split second, but you may be able to spot surprise or fear on your child’s face (more on reading expressions here😉
  • Expression of relief when the topic is changed – try to start talking about something else and see what happens.

Body language clues

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  • Fidgeting – this is a way to relieve the stress
  • Shifting the anchor points – if your kid is standing, he or she may start moving the feet; if they are sitting, watch out for the kid shifting in his or her seat;
  • Trying to create distance by crossing arms or legs (however, this may also signify emotional distancing);
  • Trying to cover oneself or to appear smaller; some people cover their mouth.
  • Trembling – this is often found in children who are not used to lying.

Put it all together

Just one of two of these signs are not a proof that your child is lying to you, but if you observe several at the same time, it is a cause for concern. Recent research shows that people’s brain becomes better at lying when they do it often. For this reason, it is important to spot your children’s lies while you still can. Of course, you should also be a good role model for your kids and show them the importance of telling the truth. And while it is essential to know how to keep your kids safe online, establishing an honest dialogue with them may make spy software unnecessary.

Keep Your Kids Digitally Safe

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Raising children has been a challenge at all times, no matter how science and technology progress. As technology evolves, new challenges emerge. With the advent of mobile phones and mobile internet, children have gone busy communicating over the Internet. They stare into the screens of their phones instead of running and rushing wildly around the neighborhood. Although sitting with a phone will hardly result in a broken arm or leg, there are other, even more serious perils.

Two sides of the coin

Like everything that has clearly defined positive sides, technological boom has its milestones. There are tons of information available over the Internet, and a large share of it is far from positive. Digital communication has opened up countless new venues. However, not all people are good, and in the hands of a bad guy a good thing can become a deadly weapon. There are a growing number of complaints from schoolchildren about cyberbullying. Some bad people use social network account to unify and zombify children, whose psyche is too weak and vulnerable to resist this psychological aggression. There statistics of social media-related suicides is really intimidating.

Control your kids properly

It is every parent’s duty to guard hand steer his/her children down the safest path. How can we do that? Stop letting them go outside without attendance? Take the phone away? Lock them inside a bedroom?

As kids grow older, they learn more about the world and, most important, learn and want to be independent. However, their desire to be independent outruns the understanding of the price we pay for it, because their mind is too young to comprehend it.

To avoid trouble, parents should start teaching their children to use phones and Internet properly. Children start getting involved in digital activities around 8-10 years old, when they are still unable to tell good from bad. It is during this age that they learn to exchange messages, share photos, videos, audio, etc. Now it is your biggest responsibility to teach your child the digital etiquette and get him/her used to the fact that you are going to monitor this activity. If you fail to do it now, it will be much harder to do it when he/she enters the teens and becomes naturally assertive. Indeed, teaching a kid to put up with having to be controlled is an extremely important thing. And it is even more important how you go that!

Do not be too authoritarian!

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The radical steps mentioned in the beginning of the previous paragraph will hardly work, especially with teenagers. There are subtler and more ‘high-tech’ methods of keeping your child secure.

At some stage of life, you can and should explain to your kid some simple things. Let him/her know that they should not talk to strangers and why. A clear and laconic explanation can do wonders to even the fussiest young boy or girl.

Keep track of your child’s mood and reactions to things. Under usual circumstances they remain the same for years. If you have noticed that he/she has grown aloof, gloomy, or reserved, and it has continued for several days, something is definitely wrong. Not unlikely, your child has fallen in with some wild IT bunch or is being bullied online. Fortunately, there are good solutions, which can save you a lot of worries.

Use parental control software!

There are unique software tools like ExactSpy, PhoneSheriff, etc., which you can install on your and your child’s phone or tablet. These programs have a variety of tracking options, which allow you to tract and keep record off incoming and outgoing phone calls, instant messages, browser activity, use of multimedia, etc. There have been lots of cases whereby parents, who observed sudden changes in their kids’ behavior and mood, discovered that they were being abused online and took steps to stop it.

Cyberbullying and How to Deal with It

Bullying is something that everyone has to face during childhood years to a certain extent. Do you know what it feels like getting a punch or kick from your playground- or school mate? Hurts as hell, both physically and mentally, doesn’t it? It feels just as bad if you are a parent of a child who is getting bullied. Believe it or not, the technological boom has paved the way for a kind of high-tech bullying, which is called cyberbullying.

What is cyberbullying?

This type of bullying is just as common among today’s kids as traditional bullying was among those from a distant past. They have just one thing in common: it hurts really bad.

Cyberbullying is intentional actions aimed at hurting and embarrassing other people with the use of advanced communication tools (cell/smartphones, PCs, etc.) and . These actions include:

  • Sending hurtful and insulting messages to another person with the use of email, instant messengers, etc.
  • Sending messages repetitively and persistently.
  • Sharing private, delicate, and personal information about someone with others or posting it in social media.
  • Hacking someone else’s profile and writing to others on the profile owner’s behalf.
  • Gossiping about someone in multiple chats.
  • Threatening someone online on a regular basis.
  • Sharing someone else’s pictures, avatars, etc. (including embarrassing ones) with others without his or her consent.

These activities (to name a few) are considered cyberbullying if they are downright deliberate and are committed on a repeatedly.

Different stats data suggests that 25-50% of teenagers and adolescent people say they have confronted this or that form of bullying via phone or online.

Who is at risk and why it hurts

There is hardly a kid with a hundred-per-cent guarantee against bullying and/or cyberbullying. However, there are categories of kids who run a higher risk of getting cyberbullied. These include children with health issues, physical disabilities, some behavioral issues, as well as those dealing with learning problems. In other words, a kid, who looks or acts in but a slightly different way than others, is more likely to be targeted. Those who get bullied regularly tend to grow reserved, develop low self-esteem, suffer severe frustration and often slide into depression. There is another problem as well: more than 50% of young people prefer not to tell their parents or other people about the problem.

What can we do about it?

Image credit: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire

This is the case to say: prevention is the best cure. It takes a complex approach to deal with the problem. It should involve at least children themselves, their parents, and teachers. In addition to measures taken to prevent traditional bullying, the cyberbullying issue also implies education on how to use technical devices properly.

Most important, children and their parents must be aware of why cyberbullying is bad and what consequences it may entail for both victims and perpetrators. Particularly, it won’t hurt to discuss with a kid why it is dangerous to share a password with even his or her best friend or let everyone in on your other little secrets. It takes quite a bit of coordination for children themselves, parents and school to raise awareness.

It is important that the feeling of security of being safely away from your victim is illusionary: laws are keeping up with the reality, and any such activity can entail a serious punishment! Therefore, victims should not be reluctant to report such cases to their parents, friends, and, if necessary, to police. The cyber life is part of real life!

Working with perpetrators is crucial! Particularly, every opportunity should be used to teach a perpetrator a lesson of empathy by letting them what it feels like being insulted, threatened and/or bullied otherwise. This does not mean that you should do the same thing to them! It would be reasonable to use explanatory methods of letting them know how words and actions influence victims.

Always try to save copies of text, images and other pieces of evidence!

Ethical Dilemma for Parents – or not?

Mobile tracking has become a common thing not so long ago – a decade at best; however, it took a very prominent start and the industry is proliferating.

Surely, with all the options and possibilities all these applications bring, there is no surprise, they have become so popular. Competition causes the companies implement new and more exclusive features on a regular basis and customers get all the more tempting toys.

However, there is a silver lining here as well. There can be no easy talk about any kind of monitoring without actually raising the issue of morale and ethics, let alone legality of such actions. Despite the fact that most cell phone monitoring applications are sold legally on the U.S. market, it does not stop the debate around ethics of the entire business. This especially concerns justification of such means with regards to kids – as ¾ of such mobile tracking software is bought by concerned parents.

No surprise that the temptation is to much to bear for many – such technology has been unheard of until recently and now there is a chance for every parent not only to know each and every move of their children but learn who they hang out with and text about after 10p.m.

A great number of parents see such option of additional control as a sign of good parenting; however, is it?

The idea of cell phone monitoring has got both proponents and opponents – both have their own arguments on the account.

A fair share of psychologists

Say that under the idea of proper protection is the desire of total control; and the purpose of parents is not to control but to guide. Upbringing, after all, is not about not allowing kids making their own mistakes, but rather, teaching to take the right steps as well as how to deal with the consequences. Parenting is much more about care without over-involvement than about total care and control.

There is also another issue here and it concerns distrust. Any app that a parent installs on their kids phone without notice is a notice in itself; and it clearly says: “I don’t trust you at all”. The kid’s reaction is likely to be obvious – neither do I.

This is the reason why most of psychologies advocate for open communication instead – about all the issues of life, and smartphone usage including. Otherwise we get a pretty adversarial relationship, which can end up sadly.

Proponents do not agree

They say that we live in a world with too many dangers and that parents have every right to be aware of their kids’ activities both online and offline. Mobile spy apps do more than good – they can help in prevention of bullying and any other harmful actions towards kids; dangers that the latter are frequently unaware of. Thus, this is parents responsibility to keep them safe from such threats – by any means.

Surely, it is a very individual choice of every family. The question of ethics and morale should be looked upon from the angle of each individual situation. There is a great number of applications that allow parents not to be too intrusive and at the same time to keep an eye on their children. Such apps should not necessarily be used without notice; but rather, the usage policy can be discussed and a mutual compromise can be found – the one that would suit both, a kid and a parent.

Again, we get back to the importance of open communication in the family. Upon cell phone purchase a contract can be drawn – the one that will clearly state both parties liberties, responsibilities and boundaries – the contract the terms of which will be followed by both. Perhaps, in this respect the issue of a mobile tracker installed on the phone won’t raise distrust and hostility but rather understanding of the fact that parents just care.

Things that Parents of Teens Should not Forget

Photo by Kirk Morales on Unsplash

Teenagers are sometimes very ungrateful; however, there are some things that they will definitely appreciate. Here are some of them and these tips can help parents and teenagers to find common language.

Do not Forget to Celebrate Their Small Success

Small achievements can seem unimportant and parents neglect them. However, the things that seem small and unimportant to an adult can be pretty crucial for a grown up. Besides, one thing that interests a parent – an exam in literature, for instance, – is not that of an importance for a teen if compared with an achievement to learn how to play a guitar. In this respect it makes sense to always notice such small achievements in your kids, no matter how small or stupid they can seem to a parent.

Let Them Be Alone

Next very important thing is to leave teenagers some space for their own. They are not kids any longer; however, many parents find it hard to get used to this thought. In this respect make sure to grant them the amount of privacy they need and want and you’ll see how much better your relationship becomes. Everyone needs space; do not forget about it. This also refers to the urgent need to know where your kid spends time and who they hang out with. If these things bother you too much, just acquire some mobile tracking app – by doing so you won’t be interfering with the questions and your son or daughter will feel much better with the share of privacy.

Leave Them to Their Decisions

Again, it is quite clear that kids will always be kids for their parents. However, it does not meant that the level of protection and commitment should always be the same. As kids grow up physically, they also do so mentally and morally and are able to make their own decisions quite well. They will only be grateful for the freedom of choice as well as responsibility – this is the only way they can actually learn how to be in charge of their own lives.

Teach Them to Solve Problems

The skill of problem solving can seem natural when you are an adult, a parent. However, for a child, and a teenager this is a new and absolutely undiscovered filed. The longer you try to problems and keep your precious little baby in a greenhouse, the more helpless they will grow up eventually. And the more problems in life they will have to face. Real world is harsh sometimes but it is parents’ responsibility to teach their kids to cope with the harshness and difficulties. This is something that kids will be grateful for.

Make Home a Place to Come with Joy

One thing is to make your teenage kid grow responsible and independent, another is no be neglectful. Making home a nice place where they will always find support and love is no less important. Teenagers need to know that there is somewhere where they will be loved and where parents wait for them always no matter what.

These tips are simple but effective; they don’t require money or much effort. Yet, they do help to create better understanding between parents and teenagers.

Selfies and Teens’ Obsession with Them

selfieReally, selfies seem to have become a new trend in art, or at least it is definitely one of the most popular ways of self-expression for young people these days. It also frequently looks like people got brainwashed and some of them get so obsessed with the activity that they post their selfies every day in all the places at all times.

It might seem that people are prone to selfie liking because they are so fond of themselves; however, it is frequently just the opposite. Most people, and especially teenagers, are eager to get approval and they are very anxious to get accepted by some reference group and they simply take the easiest road to their goal. It is much simpler to post selfies and get likes and be accepted and approved instead of doing something that people can find worth respecting.

Other kids just can’t be worse than others in whatever they are involved in or concerned about. In their sensitive age it is really very important to be a part of a group that treats you like and equal and distinguishes you for whatever you have to offer and they consider interesting. Feedback is essential and validation is necessary at this stage of teenagers’ development and with the invention of this “selfie” idea these things are easier to get.

Surely, there seems to be nothing harmful about people posting images of themselves on the internet left and right if it boosts their self-esteem and makes them feel better about themselves. However, when it comes to various social networks, they are not that safe. The fact that they are not open to every visitor registered or unregistered alike does not guarantee that a personal page is secure.

Attention seeking can be fraught with unpleasant occurrences. There are all sorts of people surfing the internet and scammers and etc. and these people hardly mean good. Surely, teenagers do not seek attention of such people consciously and on purpose; however, their frivolity can backfire pretty badly sometimes.

There is also one more side to this “selfie” medal and it is also not a very pleasant one. In their constant pursue of attention and approval teenagers get so obsessed and crazy that they frequently can’t stop. In their attempt to get a great selfie they tend to do bizarre and even dangerous things; some of such cases have already ended fatally.

Taking these things into consideration, it makes sense for parents to pay more attention to the things their teenage kids post in their social networks and how they actually spend their time and who they hang out with both online and offline.

Surely, it is always complicated to come to terms with 13-15 year old teenagers and rows and scandals are normal; however, when it comes to mobile phones, there is a good way to make the entire relationship and control issues easier.

With the help of cell phone monitoring application it is very easy for a parent to get the idea of their kid’s whereabouts as well as plans, contacts and social life in general. When it comes to selfies, spy software allows tracking all the images that are created and sent online from this particular phone. Having this app installed on their teenagers’ devices allows parents to have full access to their cell phones and eliminates the necessity of fruitless control attempts. GPS tracker allow knowing where kids go and other various features allow keeping an eye on teenagers without being overly protective and controlling.

When it comes to selfies, the app also allows remote content blocking; which is a definite advantage and kids will just get puzzled why this image fails to download.